Unfortunately, I’m no longer able to offer support for Frontend Checklist here in the comments or via email, since I’m focusing on other projects. You are free to use the plugin as it is, but kindly contact your developer if you need individual support. I’m using the plugin on my own sites. Severe bugs, that affect my own usage of the plugin, will still be published as updates.
Don’t speak German? This article contains basically the same information like the wordpress.org plugin page. If you came here to donate, you can use the following bitcoin address or the PayPal button. Thank you so much for supporting my work.
Open in wallet
Mit Frontend Checklist kannst du HTML- oder PDF-Checklisten für deine Besucher erzegen. Der Status der HTML-Checklisten kann per Cookie gespeichert werden. So können deine Besucher jedezeit zurückkehren und die Checkliste weiter abhaken.

Ein Live-Beispiel der Checkliste kann auf meiner Seite zur Transsibirischen Eisenbahn angesehen werden.
Anlass zu der Entwicklung dieses Plugins war, dass ich den Besuchern meiner Transsib Seite eine Checkliste anbieten wollte, damit sie einen Überblick haben, was sie alles zur Vorbereitung auf die Reise noch zu tun haben.
Da ich so etwas im Plugin Verzeichnis von WordPress nicht finden konnte, habe ich mich kurzerhand selbst an die Entwicklung eines solchen Plugins gemacht. Im Rahmen des 13 Wochen Projekts habe ich dann beschlossen, dass ich das Plugin massentauglich machen und zum kostenlosen Download anbieten möchte.
Genug geredet, hier ist der Download Link. Das Plugin ist auch auf wordpress.org verfügbar. Bei Fragen oder Problem hinterlasse einfach einen Kommentar oder schreib mir.
Hi Kaelin,
that’s indeed a small bug in the plugin which I will fix with the next update. It shouldn’t affect any functionality.
Hi Jonas,
Thanks for creating the useful plugin. I’m getting a warning at the moment:
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home3/ab13798/public_html/weightlossweapon.com/wp-content/plugins/contestfriend/tables/table-participants.php:446) in /home3/ab13798/public_html/weightlossweapon.com/wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/frontend-checklist.php on line 139
Also wondering… Where in the database is the checklist status for each user stored exactly?
Hi Liam,
sounds like the contestfriend plugin is sending out data to the server too early, so Frontend Checklist can’t create the session it needs for the PDF checklist. There is not much I can do about that. You might want to contact the author of that plugin.
The checklist status is stored in the wp_usermeta table with the meta_key frontend-checklist-{checklist_id}
Sorted now. I definitely need to learn to read lol. Thank you for the quick response.
Hey Jonas,
gibt es eine Möglichkeit, den gesicherten Status einer Checkliste zu entfernen, bzw. die angehakten Punkte wieder zu leeren, damit ein Anwender die Checkliste mehrere Male nutzen kann?
LG, Manu
Hallo Manu,
Eine eingebaute Möglichkeit gibt es dafür leider nicht. Wenn du die Liste ohne Cookies einsetzt, kannst du den Status der Checkliste über die Datenbank löschen. Er befindet sich in der Tabelle wp_usermeta mit dem meta_key frontend-checklist-{checklist_id}.
Viele Grüße,
Das heißt also,
ich kann keine Checkliste für mehrmaligen Gebrauch durch einen (nicht eingeloggten) User machen, ohne dass ich selbst aktiv den Status der Checkliste wieder lösche?
Das wäre noch ein nettes Feature, eine Art Button/Option „Alle Checks zurücksetzen“. Vielleicht findet sich ja die Zeit, das für in einem kommenden Update zu implementieren?
LG, Manu
Hi Jonas,
Great plugin! I am having one issue. When I insert a link (<a>) inside a list item, on the published page it inserts the link *inside* the current page URL. For example, I added the link google.com to a list item. Then I inserted the checklist into a page with the URL: members.justonedime.com/china-sourcing-trip.
On the published page, the link href generates this:
See how google.com was added at the end. How can I change the link to *just* google.com?
Hi Josiah, this doesn’t seem to be a problem specific to the plugin. Check out this beautiful tutorial to learn about the difference between relative and absolute links: https://marksheet.io/html-links.html
Firstly, I love the plugin. Thanks!
It has been working great but after I updated my php, when I click on this link at the bottom of the checklist – To the PDF Version of the Checklist – then I get a blank page with this:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; tFPDF has a deprecated constructor in /home/planners/public_html/wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/fpdf/tfpdf.php on line 13
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/planners/public_html/wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/frontend-checklist-pdf.php on line 16
FPDF error: Some data has already been output, can’t send PDF file (output started at /home/planners/public_html/wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/fpdf/tfpdf.php:13)
Hi there,
when using the plugin, it always adds a blank item of the checklist right when I put cursor in the last one. How can I get rid of the last blank item? Unfortunatelly it generates blank row under the checklist what kinda destroys my design. Otherwise it works fine.
Hi Jonas,
We’re getting an error when clicking to create a PDF.
Can’t open file /mspmarketingedge/wp-content/plugins/frontend-checklist/fpdf/font/unifont/DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf
It’s from this page:
Have you come across this before?
Hi Jonas,
I have fixed the issue by downloading a new fresh copy of the ttf font from the web. It seems the ttf file was corrupted.
Hi, The plugin works fine with shortcode in widget or page but if I use do_shortcode in template. It causes issue. The tasks are not saved.
Hi sir,
It’s realy good plugin but the PDF is not compatible with Arabic language which is a RTL one. how can I solve this ?
and i need some customization like:
-reset button
-header and footer for PDF
-progress-bar for checklist
-ability of adding new choices By user to list
-charts and statics about users and entries
-do you have time for this customization? and how much do you think it charges?
Hi Jonas,
I know you’ve ended support for this, but thank you for building such a wonderful little plug-in. Coming in very useful to me so far and loving it.
I was curious if you might be able to recommend how to clear a users cookie/checklist records (php suggested maybe multiple save/storage methods) on button click — maybe with jQuery? I’m pretty novice when it comes to coding, but figure this can’t be too hard to do… basically want to give users the option to clear their own checklist cookies at will.
Any advice you can provide would be a great help. Thanks so much for the incredible plug-in!
Hi Blake,
I’m happy to hear that the plugin is useful for you. Assuming that you are using the standard cookie method and are not adding the
attribute, the records are saved in a cookie with the namefrontend-checklist-[ID]
, sofrontend-checklist-1
for the first checklist etc. If you delete this cookie or set the value to 0, the checklist will be cleared. This thread should point you in the right direction how to do that with jQuery: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3671659/jquery-delete-cookiesBest
PS: Thank you for your donation 🙂
Hi Sara,
I currently don’t have any capacities for custom development, sorry. The plugin code is not too complicated and another developer shouldn’t have problems to implement your changes. Regarding the progress bar, there is an unofficial version of the plugin, that I made for a friend a while ago. It’s available under http://www.j-breuer.de/temp/frontend-checklist-progressbar-v0.2.zip but I haven’t used it in a while and don’t know if it’s still working.
Hi everyone,
I’m sorry if I didn’t answer your comment. Unfortunately, I’m no longer able to offer support for Frontend Checklist in these comments or via email, since I’m focusing on other projects. You are free to use the plugin as it is, but kindly contact your developer if you need individual support. I’m using the plugin on my own sites. Severe bugs, that affect my own usage of the plugin, will still be published as updates.
Happy to make the donation, Jonas. You did great work and your plug-ins been extremely helpful. Well deserved for your talent.
I know I’m pushing it / you’re no longer offering support, but looking at the jQuery, what would the path be for something like:
$.cookie(„frontend-checklist-1“, null, { path: ‚/‘ });
…or does it not need a path? I know I’m revealing my ignorance — more of a frontend guy, but really appreciate all you do. Thanks again for the great plug-in and work!
Thank you. The path in your example looks good, it should work like that. Depending on where you put it, you might have to use noConflict syntax like
jQuery.cookie("frontend-checklist-1", null, { path: '/' });
If the checklist is on the same page like the button, you might want to refresh the page after deleting the cookie, so the checklist is cleared immediately.Hello,
Great plugin. I have one question, how would I have the checkbox be on the same line as my H2 header? It posts on the same line if I don’t add an H2 Tag, but when i add it the checkbox floats by itself up top. I added this HTML to a line item:
Clean the Floor for cleaning the floor testing text for cleaning the floor testing text for cleaning the floor testing text for
and the result is this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mnb2b69roc5ze1f/Screen%20Shot%202020-05-24%20at%201.15.18%20PM.png?dl=0
id like to make the checkbox bigger and on the same line as my h2 if possible.
When downloading the pdf the links don’t get added into the pdf. Is there any fix for that?
It seems like the checklist doesn’t save, when i refesh the page all checks are gone